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tamoadmin 2024-07-15
1.求2000年悉尼奥运会开幕式一个小女孩唱的歌《南方天空下》的英文歌词2.谁能给我悉尼奥运会上的主题曲Under Southern Skies这首歌的歌词?3


2.谁能给我悉尼奥运会上的主题曲Under Southern Skies这首歌的歌词?




2000年悉尼奥运会歌词Under Southern Skies

Nikki Webster

There is a peace in our hearts

And a hope in our hands

We're a family of children

we come from many different lands

Our time is just beginning,

Our race is yet to run,

But if you would take us with you

Then we he already won

Under the southern skies

Together in this land

Every voice in celebration

A family hand in hand under the southern skies

As one we rise

And turn our eyes to see

All the wonders of the future in a world of harmony

There's a great spirit rising

From the desert to the sea

As it sweeps across the southern land

It comes to you and me

Where the dreamers are the dreaming,

Where the race of the edge yet to run,

Every child can be a hero

If our world could live as one



2000年悉尼奥运会的主题曲的英文歌词 圣火( the flame )(Singer: Nikki Webster) 此刻整个世界的希望都在我手中 I'll take this moment

to be all that I can 我将尽情地展现自己 Look to you to see the future 我看到你我在未来将 Stronger and free 更强 更快 Chorus(合唱) Today we will show who we are 今天我们将向全世界展现自己的才华 We are the earth 当我们站在一起 And we're together again 我们就是整个地球 My friends

will you show us the way 亲爱的朋友 你就是那个为我们引路的人 We trel on

guided by the flame 内心熊熊燃烧的火焰 The fire within makes you reach out to the goal 让我们确信 目标终能实现 You redefine the best

by stretching the soul 充分伸展你的心灵 你就能证明自己是最棒的 A world in need of inspiration And looks to you and me 这个世界需要你我的激励 Repeat Chorus (重复合唱) Since ancient times we've e together 很早很早以前 我们就站在了一起 In the light of the flame 在阳光下 我们站在一起 To stand for all the world to see 世界为我们骄傲 People reaching out to greatness And all we can be 我们将尽情地展现自己 Today we will show who we are 今天我们将向全世界展现自己的才华 We are the earth Together again Today you will show who you are 今天你将向全世界证明 The best on earth

and you bring the world together again 你是地球上最出色的 朋友

是你将世界连在了一起 My friends

you he shown us the way 你已经为我们指明了前方的路 Look to your heart You will find the flame 因为你的心中有圣火在燃烧 You will find the flame 你的心中有圣火在燃烧 ----------------- 盛世最强[TVB奥运2000主题曲] 作词:小美 作曲:伍乐城 [ 盛世最强 毅力斗志 已到颠峰 竞赛火花 全线发动 盛事引发 全球万分哄动 热烈放送 每秒分钟 细看高手 寻创美梦 幸获胜算 迎来万千敬重 迎来万千敬重 斗志斗快 斗士气高 寻求这盛世认同 轰烈轰动 分秒地揭盅 挤身战场造美梦 挤身最强受赞颂 竞技彰显友谊愿与共 全人类也受用 这盛世活动 追赶跳游在策动 望着终点进行极震动 幸获举世赞扬并奏乐 旗号渐次上动 快乐载誉并重 **.:?*?‘?.?.:* **.:?*?‘?.?.:* ? 热烈放送 每秒分钟 细看高手 寻创美梦 幸获胜算 迎来万千敬重 迎来万千敬重 斗志斗快 斗士气高 寻求这盛世认同 轰烈轰动 分秒地揭盅 冲开困难互竞逐 冲破往日旧纪录 学习衷心去承受结局 成和败也受用 这热血运动 展开翅膀造个梦 但愿展开翅膀梦接梦 现在攀登最强受赞颂 流下汗与泪滴 拍翼展示成功 *.:?*?‘?.?.:* *.:?*?’?.?.:* ? *.:?*?‘?.?.:* *.:?*?’ ? 冲开困难互竞逐 冲破往日旧纪录 学习衷心去承受结局 成和败也受用 这热血运动 展开翅膀造个梦 但愿展开翅膀梦接梦 现在攀登最强受赞颂 流下汗与泪滴 拍翼展示成功 ? ----------------- 雅典奥运会圣火主题曲《Pass the Flame》(薪火相传)歌词: 词曲:特雷弗·霍恩(Trevor Horn),洛尔克莱梅(Lol Creme) 演唱:伊安尼斯·科特西拉斯(Yiannis Kotsiras) Pass the Flame(薪火相传) Pass the Flame Unite the World It's time to celebrate let our voices be heard Pass the Flame Unite the world Bring us all together We can grow a forest On a dried up river bed We can build a mountain From a grain sand Reach out

hold out your hands Reach out

hold out your hands Pass the Flame Unite the World It's time to celebrate let our voices be heard Pass the Flame Unite the world Bring us all together Pass the Flame Unite the World Reach out

hold out your hands Reach out

hold out your hands Pass the Flame Unite the world Pass the Flame Unite the World ----------------------- [2004] 雅典奥运会主题曲 歌名:Oceania 海洋 词曲、演唱:[冰岛]比约克(Bjork) --------------------------- 古典版雅典奥运会大会主题曲《Olympic Dream》(奥林匹克之梦) ------------------------------- [其他主题曲]方力申 - 心火相传 (雅典奥运中国香港版主题曲) 用圣火 聚集能量 在这刻联系这你我要声势铺张 让圣火 地上燃亮 愿望发亮 置身干涸土壤 顽强树木向上 赤足跨过沙漠 用我发光 长征 出手交手 长征 伸手牵手 让圣火 历代传颂 在这刻人浪世界踏遍世界跨过边疆 让圣火 运动场上 融和大地接壤 长征 出手交手 长征 伸手牵手 用圣火 聚集能量 让圣火 地上燃亮 聚集能量 地上燃亮 聚集能量

参考: N多个网

谁能给我悉尼奥运会上的主题曲Under Southern Skies这首歌的歌词?

Under The Southern Skies

Song By Nikki Webster

There is a peace in our hearts

And a hope in our hands

We're a family of children, we come from many different lands

Our time is just beginning,

Our race is yet to run,

But if you would take us with you

Then we he already won

Under the southern skies

Together in this land

Every voice in celebration

A family hand in hand under the southern skies

As one we rise

And turn our eyes to see

All the wonders of the future in a world of harmony

There's a great spirit rising

From the desert to the sea

As it sweeps across the southern land

It comes to you and me

Where the dreamers are the dreaming,

Where the race of the edge yet to run,

Every child can be a hero

If our world could live as one

Under the southern skies

Together in this land

Every voice in celebration

A family hand in hand under the southern skies

As one we rise

And turn our eyes to see

All the wonders of the future in a world of harmony

Under the southern skies

Together in this land

Every voice in celebration

A family hand in hand under the southern skies

As one we rise

And turn our eyes to see

All the wonders of the future in a world of harmony

All the wonders of the future in a world of harmony


Under Southern Skies 打印此页

歌手:Nikki Webster

Artist/Band Webster Nikki

Song title Under Southern Skies

There's a peace in our hearts,

And a hope in our hands,

We're a family of children,

We come from many different lands,

Our time is just beginning,

Our race is yet to run,

But if you will take us with you,

Then we he already won,

Under the southern skies,

Together in this land

Every voice in celebration,

A family hand in hand,

Under the southern skies,

As one we rise,

And turn our eyes to see,

All the wonder of the future

In a world of harmony,

There's a great spirit rising,

From the desert to the sea,

As it sweeps across this southern land,

It calls to you and me,

Where the dreamers are the dreaming,

We're the fates of things yet to come,

Every child can be a hero,

If our world could live as one,

Under the southern skies,

Together in this land

Every voice in celebration,

A family hand in hand,

Under the southern skies,

As one we rise,

And turn our eyes to see,

All the wonder of the future,

In a world of harmony,

Under the southern skies,

Together in this land

Every voice in celebration,

A family hand in hand,

Under the southern skies,

As one we rise,

And turn our eyes to see,

All the wonder of the future,

In a world of harmony,

All the wonder of the future,

In a world of harmony.


2000年悉尼奥运会闭幕歌曲 Dare To Dream

Artist: Olivia Newton John & John Farn

Song: Dare To Dream

I am my own believer

in my heart the reason

I will follow the light from within

I'm not afraid of weakness

I'm gonna taste the sweetness

of the power not to give in

I will see it through

I believe this is my moment of truth

Dare to dream

Dare to fly

Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky

Dare to reach

Dare to rise

Find the strength to set my spirit free

Dare to dream

I will go the distance

Embrace resistance

I will lay my soul on the line

when the wait is over

And the hunger has spoken

If I give my all I will shine

I will see it through

I believe, this is my moment of truth

Dare to dream

Dare to fly

Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky

Dare to reach

Dare to rise

Find the strength to set my spirit free

Dare to dream

And the heart will shine like the sun

A million voices together as one

I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe

Dare to dream

Dare to fly

Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky

Dare to reach

Find the strength to set my spirit free

Dare to dream

Dare to fly

Dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky

Dare to reach

Dare to rise

Find the strength to set my spirit free

Find the strength to do what I believe

Dare to dream

Dare to dream










童星出身澳洲女歌星蒂娜-阿瑞娜在水银灯与掌声中成长,声音流畅、浑厚、充满爆发力。白人灵魂该有的纤细唱腔,以及蕴涵着黑人歌手回肠荡气的韵味,使她在成人抒情、灵魂、舞曲、摇滚的各项范畴的歌曲之中都游刃有余。1990年在澳洲发行首张个人专辑《Strong as Steel》,而她的实力则是在94年的专辑《Don’t Ask》得到了印证,这张专辑一越成为了澳洲史上销售数字最高的专辑,1996、2000年两次获得“世界音乐奖”最畅销艺人奖,19被《Time》杂志选为十大歌后之一,同年第3张专辑《In Deep》还打进了英国金榜,在法国蒂娜的专辑更以百万张的销售成绩傲视歌坛。蒂娜的魅力席卷欧、澳之后,在美国的总销量也达到了双白金,成为国际乐坛瞩目的人物。

而98年与拉丁实力唱将马克-安东尼为**《佐罗》对唱情歌“I Want To Spend My Lifetime Loving You”更奠定了蒂娜-阿瑞娜在好莱坞**音乐的地位,这首歌被提名为奥斯卡最佳主题曲。蒂娜的天籁之音也受到了音乐剧巨擘韦伯的青睐,力邀其演唱自己音乐剧《微风轻哨》的主题曲“Whistle Down The Wind”。此时的蒂娜也决定转战舞台剧的领域,随后蒂娜成功的站上了伦敦的舞台,成为了经典音乐剧《钟楼怪人》伦敦首演的女主角。在莎拉·布莱曼后,蒂娜-阿瑞纳成为了韦伯音乐剧的最佳女主角。

