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tamoadmin 2024-07-30
1.翻译一段关于NBA的体育新闻的英语。2.哪里有英语体育新闻?3.急求一篇英语新闻体育的 最好是简单一点的 一分钟左右 然后帮我翻译下呗4.帮忙找一篇英语关于



3.急求一篇英语新闻体育的 最好是简单一点的 一分钟左右 然后帮我翻译下呗






音标:英[rpt?(r)] 美[rprt?r]

n. 记者



newspaper reporter 记者

news reporter 新闻记者;新闻报道者

tv reporter 电视台记者


Not surprisingly, Tani's story, first reported by The New York Times, has brought him great support from the public.


He seemed too ingenuous for a reporter.


What a pity! Who wants you to report for English?



201.accomplice : 同案犯

any person who takes part in a crime.


tony was found to be an accomplice in the crime.


202.adult business district :

a neighborhood zoned for pornographic bookstores and movie theaters, striptease bars, etc.


police are constantly arresting people over in the adult business district.


203.agricrime : 农业犯罪

sort for agricultural crime. the theft of crops and /or farm equipment.

"agricultural crime"的缩写词,偷盗庄稼和/或农场设备的犯罪。

farmers are losing thousands of dollars each year due to agricrime.


204.armed robbery :武装抢劫

the act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party.


did you read about the armed robbery in this morning's paper?


205.arrest warrant : 逮捕证

a document that orders the arrest of an individual who has been accused with a crime.


the court issued an arrest warrant on the suspect.


206.arson : 纵火

the crime of intentionally destroying property by the use of fire.


police think the fire that burned down the old warehouse was an act of arson.


207.assassin : 暗杀

a murderer. a person who sets out to kill someone, esp. a prominent person.


police are still looking for the assassin of the president candidate.


208.assault : 袭击

the act of attempting or threatening to harm another person.


mr. green was assaulted while he was walking on 25th street.


209.attack dog : 攻击犬

a canine dog that has been trained to attack burglars, etc.


the officer's attack dog has sed his life many times.


210.back-alley butcher : 卑鄙的屠夫

slang for abortionist.


demonstrators picked an abortion clinic with signs that said "back-alley" butcher.


59.surrealism :超现实主义

a style using subconscious mental activity as its subject matter, characterized by dreamlike, hallucinatory imagery.


the artist salvador dali is synonymous with surrealism.


211.bail : 保释金

money that is deposited with a court in order to secure the release of a defendant while awaiting trial.


frank's wife came down to the police station to bail him out.


212.ballistics : 弹道学

the science of firearms and the study of the motion of bullets.


a ballistics expert was taking evidence at the scene of the crime.


213.blackmail : 敲诈,勒索

the act of threatening to reveal personal information, esp. ***ual scandals, in order to extract money.


linda was involved in a blackmail scandal of the mayor.


214.black market :

a market place where illegal or hard-to-get items are sold or where money is illegal exchanged.


gangs are buying assault weapons on the black market.


215.blood money : 血腥钱

money that is paid as retribution for injury, loss of life, vandalism, etc.


the mafia paid blood money to he that man killed.


216.body bag : 装尸袋

a hey-duty bag that is used to contain a corpse.


the officer warmed the man to drop his gun or "end up in a body bag."


217.bomb squad : 爆破小组

a team of police who are specially-trained to remove and deactivate bombs.


the bomb squad was called in to deactivate the car bomb.


218.bootlegging : 贩卖

the illegal distribution of items such as alcohol, drugs, firearms, etc.


three mexicans were arrested for bootlegging firearms across the border.


219.break-in : 非法闯入

a burglar


it looks like you are the victim of a break-in.


220.bribery : 行贿受贿

the act of offering, giving, or taking bribes.


the congressman resigned after hing been found guilty of bribery.


221.bucket shop : 投机商号

(also called "telephone boiler room.") an office that is used to promote worthless land or securities by mail or through telemarketing.


crooks across the country are using bucket shops to scam older people.


222.bug : 窃听

to use electronic listening devices to listen in on the conversations of others.


this office has been bugged.


223.bum rap : 错捕

an unmerited arrest


steve served six months jail time on a bum rap.


224.burglary : 入室盗窃

the act of breaking into a home, building, etc. with the intent to steal from it.


burglaries in our town he been on the ung.


225.car bangers : 汽车窃贼

thieves who steal form automobiles.


police caught the car bangers in the act.


226.career criminal : 职业罪犯

a person who makes a living from crime.


john was a career criminal until the day he got caught in the home of a policeman.


227.child abuse : 虐待儿童

the physical and verbal mistreatment of children.


the most unnerving thing about child abuse is the number of cases that go unreported.


228.chop shop : 地下拆车厂

a shop where criminals take apart stolen cars and sell the parts.


i watched a news program that tracked chop shops across the country.


229.e : 可卡因

a powerful stimulant drug.


what is the street value of a pound of e?


230puter cleaner : 消除财务信息的电脑黑客

a person who, for a price, clean computer files of unforable financial credit information of others.


computer cleaners cost companies and financial institutions million of dollars every year.


231.con artist : 行骗高手

a person who is skilled at convincing others of believing in fraudulent schemes.


bob makes his living as a con artist.


232.con game : 骟局

any fraudulent scheme


my grandparents got burned in a con game.


233.convict : 囚犯

a person found guilty of a felony and confined in a prison.


mr. welch is an ex-convict.


234.counterfeit : 伪造

to illegally reproduce a copy of money, postage stamps, bonds, etc.


police busted up a counterfeiting racket in miami last week.


235.credit-card fraud : 欺诈

the attempted use of a credit to oain goods or services with the intention of oiding payment.


that woman is wanted in 5 states for credit-card fraud.


236.crime of passion : 犯罪;冲动犯罪

murder that resulted form the infidelity of a lover; murder committed in the heat of rage.


crimes of passion seem to be popular material for tv infotainment programs.


237.crime rate : 犯罪率

the number of reported crimes per specified number of the population.


which state has the highest crime rate in the u.s.?


238.criminal : 犯罪

a person who has violated a criminal law.


we are placing your son in criminal detention.


239.date rape : 约会强*

a rape that is committed by a woman's date.


date rape is the last thing that a young girl should he to worry about.


240.deadly weapon : 致命武器

any object, or instrument that is capable of being used to kill.


it is against the law to carry a concealed deadly weapon.


241.death penalty :

punishment by death, that is imposed in a legal manner.


three men he received the death penalty so far this year.


242.death row : 死囚牢房

a cell block reserved for convicts awaiting execution.


this convicted killer has been on death row for 15 years.


243.defendant : 被告

a person who has been charged with a crime


the court found the defendant guilty of murder.


244.domestic violence : 家庭暴力

violence toward a family member, including child abuse or wife beating.


domestic violence is one of the most dangerous calls that a law enforcement officer has to make.


245.drug abuse :

the excessive and compulsive use of drugs to the point of damaging one's health.


it was obvious to see by looking at the needle marks on her arms that the young girl was a victim of drug abuse.


246.drug king (czar) : 毒枭

the person who controls the production, transportation and selling of drug in an area.


after two years of using an undercover operation, the fbi finally arrested the cuban drug king.


247.drunk driving : 酒后驾驶

driving while under the influence of alcohol.


this is your second drunk driving offense this month.


248.edp crimes : 电脑犯罪

electronic data-processing crime; criminal offenses committed using computer technology.


the irs investigated hundreds of edp crimes every year.


249.embezzlement : 贪污

the illegal misropriation of funds entrusted to one\''s care.


we he never had a problem with embezzlement at this bank.


250.first-degree murder : 一级谋杀案

premeditated murder.


the man was changed with first-degree murder in the death of his lover's husband.








急求一篇英语新闻体育的 最好是简单一点的 一分钟左右 然后帮我翻译下呗

://news.bbc.co.uk/sport/ BBC体育

://sportsillustrated.cnn/?cnn=yes CNN体育

://.chinadaily.cn/sports/ 中国日报体育版


The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas père. Highly recommended.

Apart from 'The Three Musketeers', this is probably Alexandre Dumas' most famous work and one of the greatest novels in Western literature: a novel every literate and educated person should read at least once in their lives.

In this story, Edmond Dantes is an innocent man who was caught in the intrigues of Napoleon's escape from Elba and his 100 days of power until Waterloo. A sailor entrusted with a sealed letter of highest importance by his dying captain, Dantes delivers it into the hands of the evil prosecutor Villefort who, for reasons unkown to him, immediately sends him without trial or eal to spend the rest of his days at the Chateau D'Iffe: a dark and isolated island prison presumed to be inescapable. With the help of Abbot Faria, a dying prisoner who knows the secret of a great hidden treasure on the small islet of Monte Cristo, Dantes escapes and prepares to unleash his revenge on those who did him wrong. For years he spends his time meticulously preparing his vengeful scheme against the treacherous friends and characters who left him to rot in prison for years and years. He refines his arts of disguise, alchemy, and manipulation to content himself with the ruin of his enemies.

Unlike the adventure themes in his works such as 'The Three Musketeers', this story is a deep character study on being the victim of utmost injustice and how cruel revenge is sweet after all: how a wronged man is entitled to become the agent of divine retribution when God and mortal laws he abandoned his cause. The various themes, complex plot, profound character development, and rich prose makes this long work undouedly one of the greatest works of literature ever written: Dumas was without question a literary genius.

This is a great story for people of all ages and should not be ignored by anyone who has a profound love of literature. I think this is Dumas greatest work far surpassing 'Queen Margo' 'The Three Musketeers' or 'The Corsican Brothers.'

As translator Robin Buss points out in his introduction, many of those who hen't read The Count of Monte Cristo assume it is a children's adventure story, complete with daring prison escape culminating in a simple tale of revenge. There is very little for children in this very adult tale, however. Instead, the rich plot combines intrigue, betrayal, theft, drugs, adultery, presumed infanticide, torture, , poisoning, murder, lesbianism, and unconventional revenge.

Although the plot is roughly linear beginning with Edmond Dantès' return to Marseille, prenuptial celebration, and false imprisonment and ending with his somewhat qualified triumphant departure from Marseille and France, Dumas uses the technique of interspersing lengthy anecdotes throughout. The story of Cardinal Spada's treasure, the origins of the Roman bandit Luigi Vampa (the least germane to the novel), Bertuccio's tale of his vendetta, and the account of the betrayal and death of Ali Pasha are few of the more significant stories-within-the-novel. While Dumas devotes an entire chapter to bandit Luigi Vampa's background, he cleverly makes only a few references to what will remain the plot's chief mystery-how the youthful, intelligent, and naive sailor Edmond Dantès transforms himself into the worldly, jaded, mysterious Renaissance man and Eastern philosopher, the count of Monte Cristo, presumably sustained by his own advice of "wait" and "hope."

This novel is not a simple tale of simple revenge. The count does not kill his enemies; he brilliantly uses their vices and weaknesses against them. Caderousse's basic greed is turned against him, while Danglars loses the only thing that has any meaning for him. Fernand is deprived of the one thing that he had that he had never earned-his honour. In the process, he loses the source of his initial transgression, making his fate that much more poignant. The plot against Villefort is so complicated that even Monte Cristo loses control of it, resulting in dou foreign to his nature and remorse that he will not outlive.

This long but generally fast-paced is set primarily in Marseille, Rome, and Paris. It begins with Dantès' arrival in Marseille aboard the commercial vessel Pharaon and ends with his departure from Marseille aboard his private yacht, accompanied by the young, beautiful Greek princess Haydée. What gives The Count of Monte Cristo its life, however, are the times in which it is set-the Revolution, the Napoleonic era, the First and Second Restoration, and the Revolution of 1830. Life-and-death politics motivates many of the characters and keeps the plot moving. Dumas also uses real people in minor roles, such as Countess G- (Byron's mistress) and the Roman hotelier Signor Pastrini, which adds to the novel's sense of historical veracity.

The most troubling aspect of The Count of Monte Cristo is Edmond Dantès himself. His claim to represent a higher justice seems to justify actions and inactions that are as morally reprehensible as those that sent him to prison, for example, his account of how he acquired Ali and his loyalty. Had he not discovered young Morrel's love for Valentine Villefort, she too might he become an innocent victim. As it is, there are at least two other innocents who die, although one clearly would not he been an innocent for long based on his behiour in the novel. One wonders of Dantès' two father figures, his own flower-loving father and fellow prisoner Abbé Faria, would he roved of the count.

The translation ears to be good, with a few slips into contemporary English idioms that sound out of place. In his introduction, Buss states that the later Danglars and Fernand he become unrecognizable and that Fernand in particular has been transformed "from the bre and honest Spaniard with a sharp sense of honour . . . to the Parisian aristocrat whose life seems to he been dedicated to a series of betrayals." There is never anything honest or honourable about Fernand; his very betrayal of Edmond is merely the first we know of in his lifelong pattern.

What seems extreme and somewhat unrealistic about Fernand is his transformation from an uneducated Catalan fisherman into a "Parisian aristocrat," hobnog with statesmen, the wealthy, and the noteworthy of society. This, however, is the result of the milieu that the novel inhabits. During these post-Revolution, post-Napoleonic years, Fernand could rise socially through his military and political accomplishments just as Danglars does through his financial acumen. Danglars is careful to note that the difference between them is that Fernand insists upon his title, while Danglars is openly indifferent to and dismissive of his; his viewpoint is the more aristocratic.

Countess G- is quick to point out that there is no old family name of Monte Cristo and that the count, like many other contemporaries, has purchased his title. It serves mainly to obscure his identity, nationality, and background and to add to the aura of mystery his persona and Eastern knowledge create. What is most telling is that his entrée into Parisian society is based primarily on his great wealth, not his name. Dumas reinforces this point with Andrea Calcanti, another mystery man of unknown name and reputed fortune.

I he read The Man in the Iron Mask and The Three Musketeers series, both of which surprised me with their dark aspects (the character and fate of Lady de Winter, for example) and which little resembled the adventure stories distilled from them for children and for film. When I overheard a college student who was reading The Count of Monte Cristo on the bus tell a friend that she couldn't put it down, I was inspired to read it. I couldn't put it down, either, with its nearly seamless plot, dark protagonist, human villains, turbulent historical setting, and larger-than-life sense of mystery. At 1,078 pages, it's imposing, but don't cheat yourself by settling for an abridged version. You'll want to pick up every nuance.



YaoMing was born September 12, 1980 in ShangHai. At 226 centimeters he is one of the tallest men in the NBA. He has played basketball all of his life but in 19 he joined the ShangHai Sharks. In 1998 YaoMing joined the Chinese National team. In the year 2000 Yao joined the All-Star team of Asia. Last year YaoMing was selected first in the NBA Draft by Houston. He was one of few first year players to make the NBA All-Star team. He has gotten off to a good start with the Houston Rockets this year by scoring 19 points in his first game. YaoMing now plays in the Houston Toyota Center. Although he played well last year, YaoMing will be more aggressive because he is ed by former NBA All-Star Patrick Ewing, who was known for his aggressive style of play. YaoMing loves meat and the color blue. He has much respect for ZhouEnlai. 有关姚明的,你可以自己删掉几个句子
