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tamoadmin 2024-08-13
1.2002世界杯主题曲Let‘s get toghther now 歌词?2.你记得哪些世界杯主题曲?3.2002年世界杯主题曲4.2002年世界杯主题曲叫什

1.2002世界杯主题曲Let's get toghther now 歌词?












2002世界杯主题曲Let's get toghther now 歌词?

Anthem Vangelis Official 2002 Fifa World Cup




Let's Get Together Now

La la la la (Let's get together now)

Mmmh すれ违い そんな日もあった

まじわらぬ海流のよう 陆をはさむ

Mmmh ?


もしも 言叶 世界にひとつとして无かったとしても 结ばれる

(Let's get together now)

? 「爱してる」


(Let's get together now)

作られたその笑颜は要らない つなぐ手の坚さでいい


(Let's get together now)




もしも 谁か 仆らの物语り 阻んだとしても 止まらない

(Let's get together now)

満たされたその幸せは要らない ガムシャラな理想でいい


(Let's get together now)



(Let's get together now)



(Let's get together now)


见てる景色はひとつ (Oh baby love)

Don't you think its time we all let go of fear inside

Open up our mind, understand each other

If we just decide to be as one, we'll set our spirits free

Let this be a time, we can always keep within our hearts

Far beyond today, till the end of time

No longer a dream, peace and love become reality...


2002年, 日韩世界杯主题曲《足球圣歌》


2006年, 德国世界杯主题曲《The Time of Our Lives》


2010年, 南非世界杯《Waka Waka》

《Waka Waka》是2010南非世界杯官方主题曲。夏奇拉的《Waka Waka》以非洲音乐作背景,歌曲收在世界杯官方专辑之中,收益后续作慈善用途。这首歌也被人称作最动感的世界杯主题曲之一。卡塔尔世界杯临近,这首歌再次在社交媒体上火出圈了。



全球指定主题曲: 《威震八方》(Boom)-安娜贾西亚(Anastacia)

全球指定演奏曲: 《世足颂》(Anthem)-范吉利斯(Vangelis)

法国/全球队歌: 《真爱一生》(Live for Love United) - 真爱联盟乐团(Pascal Obispo & Love United)

瑞典队歌: 《突破重围》(Something going on,Crack it!)放克爆 - 破小组与洁西卡佛克(Bomfunks mcs with Jessica Folcker)

美国队歌: 《闹翻天》(Let's get loud)-珍妮佛洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)

丹麦队歌: 《黎明曙光》(Sunrise)-莎菲双人组与艾拉(Safri Duo meets Ayla)

比利时队歌: 《立足天下》(World at your feet)-萝拉费比安(Lara Fabian)

英国队歌: 《全力以赴》(Let it out) -优格男孩(A1) 《胜利》(Vittoria)-歌剧美眉(Opera Babes)

葡萄牙队歌: 《狂欢派对》(Party)-妮莉费塔朵(Nelly Furtado)

韩国队歌: 《东方势力》(True east side)-G.O.D.

德国队歌: 《万世英雄》(We will be heroes)-死裤乐团(DieToten Hosen)

意大利队歌: 《疯迷全球》((World has got) The Fever)-艾莉莎(Elisa)

墨西哥队歌: 《撼动全世界》(Bringing the world back)-OV7

日本队歌: 《烈焰》(Blaze)- Mondo Grosso

西班牙队歌: 《天翻地覆》(Shake the house)-莫妮卡娜拉乔(Monica Naranjo)

南非队歌: 《真心英雄》(Bre true and strong)-玛芬羚羊乐团(Bongo Maffin)

中国队歌: 《冲锋陷阵》(Charged Up)-黎明

巴西队歌: 《得分》(Gol)-圣餐合唱团与卡林荷斯布朗(Communion featuring Carlinhos Brown


2002世界杯主题曲--“足球圣歌”(Anthem) 演唱者:范吉利斯(Vangelis) 范吉利斯的配乐以华丽见长,我们最熟悉的是将气氛烘托到极致的“火的战车”。这首主题曲中有两个版本,一首电子乐版本的作品是由芬兰音乐家JS16混音完成,兼具东方色彩和电子乐风情。另一首交响乐版传统、大气,作为专辑的结尾恰倒好处。 范吉利斯:当代最成功的电子乐作曲家、新世纪音乐大师。1943年出生于希腊,从小就显露非同一般的音乐才华,然而他拒绝接受钢琴课,并坚持自学成才。1981年荣获奥斯卡**最佳配乐奖以《火的战车》,从此蜚声国际,**的主题歌甚至进入美国流行榜十大,其后引发了一系列的**音乐创作。1992年,范吉利斯获颁法国最富盛誉的艺术文学骑士勋章。他的最新作品是为美国宇航局的“2001火星奥德赛”任务创作的主题音乐“Mythodea”。 ://bayernstar.finet.net.cn/musics/anthem.rm 2002年日韩世界杯主题歌--“风暴”(Boom) 演唱者:阿纳斯塔西娅(Anastacia) 阿纳斯塔西娅的歌声和形象的差距令人难以置信,靓丽的偶像外型和深沉浑厚的“爵士乐”嗓音给人的视听觉冲击强烈。“风暴”曲调简洁、节奏强劲,流行的曲风给人异域感觉,和“生命之杯” 相比它少了些火般热情,多了份紧迫感强劲的冲击。




Hero--Enrique Iglesias——韩日世界杯期间在央视的专题节目中多次出现的背景音乐

Dying in the sun--The Cranberries——韩日世界杯上送走法国、葡萄牙、阿根廷、意大利时令人心碎的歌

Moment of glory--Scorpions——2002世界杯期间,在英格兰和阿根廷比赛过后还有巴西夺冠后播过一首很好听的歌曲

还有here i am也是经典哦

对了,还有个Live For Love United--来自45位超级球星的共同演绎


Live For Love United

歌手:群星 专辑:2002 World Cup

Live For Love United

Love united we will up

For all the people of the world

He you ever dreamed of playing for

The biggest team there is on earth

He you ever played at dreaming large

The time is now and you are the star

The ball is trelling in your direction

Give it all of your attention

Pick it up and pass it on

That's what's gonna make us strong

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

He you ever dreamed of flying high

Looking down from heen with god's eyes

You know we could use some intervention

Children needing your protection

It's not enough to sing this song

Live the cup and pass it on

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we've missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

I play for love united

Juego para love united

Jag spelar far love united

Ne ngioka love united

Je joue pour love united

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

Eu jogo para love united

Je joue pour love united

Ich spiele fur love united

Anka joue pou love united

Anch'io, io gioco per love united

Eu jogo para love united

Se hanna a love united

Live For Love United 打印此页

歌手:群星 专辑:2002 World Cup

Live For Love United

Love united we will up

For all the people of the world

He you ever dreamed of playing for

The biggest team there is on earth

He you ever played at dreaming large

The time is now and you are the star

The ball is trelling in your direction

Give it all of your attention

Pick it up and pass it on

That's what's gonna make us strong

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

He you ever dreamed of flying high

Looking down from heen with god's eyes

You know we could use some intervention

Children needing your protection

It's not enough to sing this song

Live the cup and pass it on

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we've missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

I play for love united

Juego para love united

Jag spelar far love united

Ne ngioka love united

Je joue pour love united

We will live for love united

We will give for love united

For moments like this

For all those we missed

We will live for love united

Come together undivided

We will stand up

For all the people of the world

Eu jogo para love united

Je joue pour love united

Ich spiele fur love united

Anka joue pou love united

Anch'io, io gioco per love united

Eu jogo para love united

Se hanna a love united

