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tamoadmin 2024-06-26
1.麦迷说菲尔杰克逊是垃圾教练是真的吗2.NBA phil jackson为什么叫禅师?3.请教NBA洛杉矶湖人队的历史?4.100分悬赏乔丹今年名人堂颁奖时的


2.NBA phil jackson为什么叫禅师?




6.NBA湖人队主教练,菲儿 杰克逊的年龄?




1992-93赛季,在他进入NBA的第一个赛季,便有3次在扣篮的时候将篮板和篮筐扣坏的经历,最后一次是将篮球架拉倒。奥尼尔也成为继-85赛季的迈克尔·乔丹之后,第一位在NBA全明星赛中以新人身份首发出场的球员。新秀赛季的奥尼尔帮助魔术队比上个赛季多赢得了20场比赛的胜利,他的场均得分达到23.4分,场均篮板达到13.9 个,成为1992-93赛季“NBA最佳新秀”。




在魔术队的四年时间内,他夺得了一次得分王称号,并将一只弱旅在第一年就带到季后赛门口,第二年带进了8强,第三年带进了总决赛。不过奥尼尔在魔术队的3年,虽然“力大无穷”,但是技术还略显粗糙。 (1996–2004赛季)



1997-98赛季,里克·福克斯(Rick Fox)和罗伯特·霍里(Robert Horry)来到湖人队,增强了球队的进攻力量。在这个NBA赛季,奥尼尔和队友合作取得61场胜利,但是在西部决赛被犹他爵士队以0-4击败。

1998-99赛季,湖人得到前公牛球员丹尼斯·罗德曼(Dennis Rodman)的加盟,球队亦取得31胜19负的成绩(该赛季因停摆而减少至50场),进入季后赛。尽管在西部第一轮以3-1击败休斯敦火箭,但第二轮却0-4遭圣安东尼奥马刺扫地出局。

1999-00赛季,湖人得到前公牛教练菲尔·杰克逊(Phil Jackson)加盟,迅速令球队表现回勇。2000年3月7日,在对阵快船的比赛中奥尼尔迎来爆发,全场35投24中、罚球22罚13中,砍下61分和23个篮板,率队大胜快船,而这一天也是奥尼尔28岁的生日。这个赛季的奥尼尔出战79场,场均砍下29.7分13.5个篮板3次封盖,其中得分数据创造了个人单赛季场均最高纪录。那一年也取得全明星赛(与蒂姆·邓肯共同拥有)及常规赛的最有价值球员奖,场均得到29.7分、13.6篮板。球队以67胜15负排名西部第一的成绩闯入季后赛。奥尼尔在23场季后赛中平均每场30.7分,2.4个盖帽,15.4个篮板,56.6%的投篮命中率,他连续战胜2米18的弗拉德·迪瓦茨,颠峰时期的克里斯·韦伯,2米18的卢克·郎利,2米23的阿维达斯·萨博尼斯,2米11的防守悍将拉希德·华莱士,在这些对手无数的包夹和犯规下,挺进NBA总决赛。在2000年6月20日的总决赛比赛里,奥尼尔得到40分24个篮板的数据,但在46分钟的上场时间里他却39次站上罚球线,创造了NBA历史纪录。在过去20年季后赛征程中,奥尼尔之外单场罚球30次以上的球员都不曾出现过。而整个系列赛在面对步行者队2米21的荷兰长人瑞克·史密茨、防守悍将戴尔·戴维斯以及其他球员“无赖”似的防守下,奥尼尔平均每场砍下38分,16.7个篮板的数据,荣获总决赛MVP的称号。成为自1998年乔丹以后,第一位同一个赛季囊括赛季所有“最有价值球员奖”的球员,从而成为奥尼尔生涯最佳赛季。



2002-03年赛季,奥尼尔因拒绝在夏季进行脚趾的治疗手术,以致该季只能上阵67场比赛,球队亦只取得50胜32负的成绩,尽管其全明星队友科比·布莱恩特(Kobe Bryant)取得当时职业生涯最佳的平均每场30分的成绩,但亦难以逃出西部第二轮被马刺队击败的厄运。球队后来以霍里为代罪羔羊,以保存奥尼尔的面子,但亦加深了他与科比之间的不和。

2003-04赛季,湖人得到卡尔·马龙(Karl Malone)及加里·佩顿(Gary Payton)的加盟,组成号称全联盟最强的梦幻阵容,再次杀入总决赛。但结果出人意料,尽管32岁而且有腿伤的奥尼尔面对双华莱士的防守得到26.6分、10.8板、1.6助攻和63%命中率的成绩,但湖人在总决赛中还是以1-4败给底特律活塞队。湖人的“黄金阵容”亦于赛后宣告崩解。奥尼尔与科比的关系进一步恶化,到了无可挽回的地步了。随着湖人高层与奥尼尔的谈判以失败告终,“大鲨鱼”转会至迈阿密,湖人队的“奥尼尔时代”终结。 (2004–08赛季)

2004年7月14日,湖人将“大鲨鱼”奥尼尔交易到迈阿密热火,得到了布莱恩·格兰特,拉玛尔·奥多姆,以及一个2006年第一轮选秀权和一个2007年第二轮选秀权 。奥尼尔被交易到迈阿密热火队后,把球衣号码从湖人队时期的34号换回了原来在奥兰多魔术队时期的32号。


2005-06赛季,球队加入了加里·佩顿、阿伦佐·莫宁(Alonzo Mourning)、安东尼·沃克(Antoine Walker)、贾森·威廉姆斯(Jason Williams)等球员,并在季后赛的东部决赛中再次与活塞队相遇。奥尼尔的状态有所下滑,但最终以4-2的大比分淘汰了活塞队,带领热队史上首次打入总决赛。总决赛面对达拉斯小牛队,热队先是以0-2落后,但最终直落4场反败为胜,取得热队队史上首个NBA总冠军。奥尼尔亦取得个人第4枚冠军戒指。


2007-08赛季,臀部受伤和左膝疼痛大大影响了奥尼尔在场上的表现。奥尼尔在最初的三十二场比赛里,只得到14分、7.8篮板,远远低于他的生涯平均成绩。得分,篮板和盖帽都是生涯新低。他在热火队进攻中的重要性降低,平均每场只有10次出手(生涯场均17次)。奥尼尔还受到犯规所困,曾连续5场犯满离场。由于表现不佳以及频繁的缺席比赛,在新奥尔良的全明星赛里他既没在投票中当选首发,也没能被教练选为替补,奥尼尔连续14次进入全明星赛的记录遭终结。奥尼尔在赛季中表示希望被交易到一支强队,结果球队以他换取了肖恩·马里昂(Shawn Marion) 和马库斯·班克斯(Marcus Banks),奥尼尔则加入到了菲尼克斯太阳队。 (2008–09赛季)


2008-09赛季,奥尼尔之前的伤痛全部消失,与前两个赛季相比表现越来越好。2009年2月27日,奥尼尔在对阵多伦多猛龙队的比赛里取得45分11篮板,这是他职业生涯第49次40分以上的比赛,带领太阳队以133-113击败猛龙队。奥尼尔得到45分之后,成为NBA历史上第二位37岁仍能拿到45+的球员(另一位是迈克尔·乔丹)。随后,在没有球队核心史蒂夫·纳什和阿玛雷·斯塔德迈尔的情况下,得到33分,率领球队战胜了西部领头羊湖人队,这场比赛也使奥尼尔成为NBA历史上第四位到了35岁还能连续两场得到30+的球员(其余三位是卡尔·马龙,阿历克斯·英格利什和迈克尔·乔丹)。而球队也做了变动,跑轰战术由“7秒或以下”的攻势,改为“7秒或奥尼尔”的选择。虽然奥尼尔入选了NBA年度最佳阵容第三队,但2009年的NBA季后赛是奥尼尔自新秀赛季未能进入季后赛后首次缺席季后赛的比赛。 (2009–10赛季)


37岁的奥尼尔在出场时间方面被严格限制,场均得到12分、6.7篮板和1.2盖帽,而对比NBA联盟中37岁及以上中锋的平均数据则是场均5.4分、3.67篮板和0.65盖帽。 (2010–11赛季)



(参考资料 ) 1994年,奥尼尔入选美国男篮“梦二队”,帮助获得世界男篮锦标赛冠军,他也凭借出色的表现获得了赛世锦赛MVP的称号。



皮蓬为史上最全面的球员之一,6尺7寸的Scottie Pippen象组织后卫一样发起全队的进攻,象大前锋一样拼抢篮板,象得分后卫一样的得分,同时还演绎着史上顶级的外围防守.7次入选全明星的Pippen是90年代6夺总冠军的芝加哥公牛队的核心之一,不可或缺的一部分.

他在NBA拼搏了17个赛季,其中前面16个赛季均进入了季后赛,他的208场季后赛经历在整个历史上仅次于常青树Kareem Abdul-Jabbar的237场.不仅于此,他对小前锋位置天才全面的演绎为后来的人们提供了最好的样板.

在也许是史上最伟大的篮球运动员Michael Jordan旁边,Pippen的光芒一直有意无意地被掩盖了.如同先有鸡还是先有蛋的争论一样,Pippen和Jordan究竟是谁成就了谁----也许永远都不会有答案.

50大球员之一,1992和1996年奥运会金牌.1992-1999年连续8年入选联盟第一防守阵容.1994年全明星赛MVP.职业生涯平均每场16.1分,6.4个篮板,5.2次助攻.芝加哥体育撰稿人 Sam Smith,从乔丹皮彭时代一路走来,这样给ESPN解释:"Pippen是最好的奉献球员,球队完美的一部分".

与在NBA创造的成就相比,Scottie Pippen的童年平淡无奇.他1965年9月25日出生于阿肯色州的小城Hamburg,家里一共有12个孩子.大学就读于州立中央大学.做为一个新人,Pippen没有奖学金,他担任过校篮球队的管理员来获得经济上的帮助.他甚至在夏天为学校的桌椅做焊接的工作来挣钱读书,这段经历给他的胳膊上留下了累累的伤疤做为纪念.



在公牛队的第一年里,这个来自阿肯色州乡下,有着一双长臂和瘦长体型的新秀坐在板凳位置上,担任主力小前锋Brad Sellers的替补,最后的成绩单是7.9分,3.8个篮板,46.3%的命中率和57.6%的罚球.也是从这1年Pippen开始了自己的季后赛之旅,刚开始还是担任替补,但是第一轮对阵雄鹿队的第5场也是最后一场,他取代Sellers先发.他交出来24分,6个篮板,3次助攻的答卷,公牛队107-101取胜.教练Doug Collins在下一轮决定让这个新秀继续先发,最后公牛队1-4不敌活塞队,止步半决赛.

尽管88-89赛季开始因为背部的手术Pippen缺席了整个季前赛和前面8场常规赛,这个二年级新秀开始崭露头角,他的全面性开始爆发,这种全面为他的职业生涯带来了许多3双.在前面继续了16场替补后,他成为了公牛队正式的先发小前锋.在对快艇队的比赛中,Pippen拿到了职业生涯中20个常规赛3双的第一个:15分,12个篮板,12次助攻.最后他的技术统计归结为:14.4分,6.1个篮板,3.5次助攻.公牛队继续进步,在东部决赛中大战6场,以2:4再次负于活塞.最后一场球Pippen开场1分钟就被Bill Laimbeer肘击头部,未能继续参赛.

时间进入89-90赛季,Pippen已经成为了公牛队的中坚分子.公牛队也换了一位新教练,他的名字叫Phil Jackson.球队采用了新的三角进攻体系---一直保持球的传递直到创造出合理的出手机会为止的战术.东部联盟的教练们渐渐开始留意这个年轻人了,他们把他选入了当年的全明星赛.Pippen在队内的得分居第二:16.5分,在联盟中抢断排第三:2.57次/场.他开始变成了联盟中最难缠的防守队员之一了.公牛队一路前进,在同样的时间,同样的地点遭遇到了同样的对手,不同的是,活塞这次用了7场,费尽了九牛二虎之力才击败了他们.Pippen在15场季后赛的数据提升到了19.3分,7.2个篮板.在第一场对雄鹿的季后赛中,他拿下了4个季后赛3双中的第一个---17分,13次助攻,10个篮板.28岁的乔丹,25岁的Pippen,整个联盟都听到了一个王朝的脚步声...


他们的对手是湖人队.皮蓬受命盯防湖人队的灵魂---控球后卫魔术师约翰逊.他用一双长长的手臂,整场出现在魔术师的面前,在他有效地盯防下,湖人队曾经的”show time”划上了句号.在丢失掉第一场后,公牛队连下四局,获得了总冠军.最后一场比赛中皮蓬拿下了32分和13个篮板,公牛队108-101获得了胜利.

公牛队步入了最辉煌的时期,皮蓬也用自己季后赛的出色表现证明了芝加哥并不是一个人的球队.乔丹是领袖,是final MVP,但是皮蓬是冠军路上不可缺少的一环.

1992年,皮蓬开始成为联盟的巨星.他第二次出现在全明星赛,并代替受伤的Larry Bird首发.赛季结束时他入选了联盟最佳阵容的二队和最佳防守阵容.

夏天他参加了巴塞罗那的奥运会,成了”梦之队”的一员,在他的出色发挥下,公牛队蝉联了总冠军.皮蓬的得分上升到了21.4分(联盟第14),助攻是7次(联盟第15).除此之外还有7.7个篮板,1.89次抢断和1.13次盖冒. 在东部半决赛时公牛队遇到了强劲的对手尼克斯队.在关键的第7场比赛中,皮蓬再次拿下3双:17分,11个篮板和11次助攻.





如果没有第5场的一次争议性的判罚,公牛队本来可以有机会拿下系列赛的.第5场的关键时刻Pippen被判对尼克斯队后卫Hubert Davis犯规.两次罚球带给了尼克斯胜利---他们以87比86胜出.从而最后在7场决胜中笑到了最后.

不过和这个相比,更多人记住的是那次Pippen篮球生涯中也许是最招人非议的一刻: 在公牛队0-2落后,第3场双方打到102平时.教练Phil Jackson决定让队中的Toni Kukoc来完成最后一投. Pippen当即拒绝上场,坐在板凳上看完了剩余的比赛---更糟糕的是,Toni Kukoc投中了最后一投,击败了对手.这条消息马上成为了第二天报纸的头条新闻.

94-95赛季的Pippen仍然表现出色,毫无疑问是联盟中的最佳球员之一.在常规赛剩余17场时,鸿飞天外的Jordan决定复出了.Pippen在当赛季的5项数据:21.4分,8.1个篮板,5.2次助攻,2.94次抢断(联盟第一)和1.13次盖冒均领先全队.上一次在这5项数据上领先全队的球员是凯尔特人队的Dave Cowens, 77-78赛季.



公牛队在95-96赛季开始前补充了篮板和防守的高手Dennis Rodman,他们迎来了俱乐部历史上最辉煌的一年.他们取胜了72场,创造了联盟的新记录.在季后赛里他们也势如破竹,以15-3的成绩在击败了西雅图超音速队后再次登顶.乔丹和皮蓬双双入选了联盟第一阵容.他们和罗德曼也同时入选了联盟防守第一阵容.库克奇则当选了最佳第六人.Phil Jackson荣膺最佳教练.那支所向披靡的公牛队又回来了.

96-97赛季,公牛队在总决赛击败了Karl Malone和John Stockton领导的犹他爵士队,成功卫冕.Pippen拿到了20.2分,6.5个篮板和5.7次助攻.



在98-99赛季联盟因为劳资纠纷停摆前,乔丹再次宣布退役.Pippen被交换到了休斯顿火箭队.前一赛季聚集了Hakeem Olajuwon, Charles Barkley和Clyde Drexler的火箭队仅仅拿到了41胜41负的成绩.赛季结束后Clyde Drexler退役.Pippen被请来重新打造一支总冠军球队.

在98-99赛季,披上火箭球衣的Scottie Pippen得分滑落到了14.5分每场,但是他的篮板(6.5个),助攻(5.9次)仍然优秀.火箭队最后取得了31-19的成绩,因为胜负差的关系排在湖人之后位列第五.第一轮他们就1-3不敌湖人结束了这个赛季.



接下来的三年Pippen都率队进入了季后赛. 但是长期积累的伤病慢慢减少了他的上场时间.最后一个赛季他还曾担任球队的组织后卫带动了一波21-5的反击.

在他的职业生涯进入末期时,联盟的新人们仍然对Pippen的影响记忆犹新.Tracy Macgrady在Hoop杂志上说: “他无所不能,无论进攻还是防守.他可以完全融入球队.我在自己身上看到了他的影子.” Kevin Garnett也说:”他的观赏性无与伦比.高高的身材带着一双长臂,动作如此敏捷.我把他当成我的榜样.”


没有人会怀疑,有一天33号会高高地挂在联合中心的上空,纪念这位联盟历史上最佳的防守队员之一,最佳小前锋之一,最全面的球员之一-----Scottie Pippen.

NBA phil jackson为什么叫禅师?

有很多人说菲尔杰克逊运气好 他的球员都很强大 可是NBA有多少是蠢材? NBA不缺天才球员 可有的天才球员在一起就是没法产生好的化学反应 比如掘金吧 他的球员阵容很强可成绩不行 有的教练根本无法控制住那些天才球员 乔丹在续约公牛时只有两个条件 一是把工资提高 二就是菲尔杰克逊留下 但如果菲尔杰克逊走 那再高的工资他也不干 菲尔杰克逊去哪里他就去哪里 有的时候教练的个人魅力对一个球队很重要 只要球员喜欢他 在他的带领下愿意去拼命 我想只要这个教练不是蠢材 以NBA球员的能力 球队的成绩不会很差







禅师,在英语里叫Zen Master
















NBA总冠军记录:14次(1948-1949,1949-1950,1951-1952,1952-1953,1953-1954,1971-1972,1979-1980,1981-1982,-1985,1986-1987,1987-1988,1999-2000,2000-2001,2001-2002) style="font-size: 18px;font-weight: bold;border-left: 4px solid #a10d00;margin: 10px 0px 15px 0px;padding: 10px 0 10px 20px;background: #f1dada;">NBA中的杰克逊是干什么的?就是那个在边上看的老头。

Thank you! Thank you!

I told my friends I would come here to say “thank you” then walked off. I can’t, it’s no way. I get so many people I can thank. In all the videos, you never just saw me, also Scottie Pippen and the championship we won. I’ve got a lot of questions over the last four weeks. Anybody says “well, why do you pick David Thompson?” I know why, David knows why and maybe you guys don’t know. But as I grow up in North Carolina, I was eleven years old, 1974, I think, when David won the championship. I hated North Carolina, but I ended up in North Carolina. But I was in love with David Thompson, not just for the game basketball, but in terms of what he represented. You know, we all, as David says or said we go through trails and tribulations. And he did, and I was inspired by him. And when I called him and asked him to stand up for me, I know I shocked a shoot out of him. I know I did. But he is very kind to say, ”Yeath, I’ll do it.” That is not disrespect to the North Carolina guy; we all know I am true blue North Carolina guy to the heart. Coach Smith, Larry Brown, Sam Perkins, James Worthy, you know all of those guys.

I’d like to start to my parents. You guys see all the I-likes. What is about me that you guys don’t know? As I set up here and watch all the other guys give their history. So many things I didn’t know about Jerry Sloan. And we lived on the phone, but I didn’t know he was in a small class from the first grade to the eighth grade. Even David Robinson, I have known David for some time. You know, but I found some things, good things or bad things about him that I didn’t know. And Chipson, I’ve known Chipson for years. My father and my mother spent a lot time with Mike and found out good things about her, but what about me that you guys don’t know?

I got two brothers, James and Larry, five four and five five in height. They give me all I could ever ask for. As brothers, in terms of competition. My brother Larry is an ideal situation with small things coming with small packages. This do fall me every single day. To the extend that my mother used to come out and make us come in because we were fighting way too much. My older brother was always gone. He is served in the army for 31 years. And the competition didn’t stop there. My sister who is one year younger than me, never want to be alone by herself. She took classes, extra classes, graduated from high school with me, to go to university North Carolina with me, and to graduate fairer than me. And you guys wanna know where my competition nature comes from, it came from them, it came from my older sister and she is not here today. My father who is not here today, obviously he is with us, all of us. My competitive nature has gone a long way from the first time I picked up any sports, baseball, football, run-track, basketball, anything in this class I played.

They started to fire me; you know that fire started from my parents. As I moved on my career, people add wood to that fire. Coach Smith, what can I say about him? He is a legendary coach. Lerold Smith, now you guys think that’s a mistake. Lerold Smith was the guy when I got kicks he got picked in the team. He is here tonight. He is still the same six seven guy. He is not even bigger. His level is even about the same. But he started the whole process for me, because when he made the team and I didn’t, I wanted to prove, not just to Lerold Smith, not just to myself, but to the coach who actually picked Lerold over me. I want to make sure he understood you made a mistake, dude.

Buss Peterson, My roommate. When I first met Buss, all I heard about was that this kid from Ashville North Carolina was clearly unplayed against but he has never played against me then, so how do you come to be the player of the year? Is that some type of media, exposure, you know I came from Wilmington, you know, where two channel, channel ABC and channel NBC that I never saw NBA at all when I grow up. They didn’t have CBS receiver in North Carolina or Wilmington also. Buss Peterson became a dead on my board. When I get a chance to meet Peterson on the basketball court. But he is a great person. It isn’t the fault of his. It was just my competitive natures. I didn’t think he can beat me or is better than me as a basketball player. And he became my roommate. From that point on, he became my focal point not knowingly. He didn’t know it, but he did. And Coach Smith, the day when he was on the Sports Illustrated, he named four starters and he didn’t name me. That burned me up, because I got to be on that Sports Illustrate. He had his own vision about giving a freshman that exposure, I totally understand that but from a basketball sense I deserve to be on that Sports Illustrated, and he understands that.

And it didn’t stop there. My competitive natures went right into the pros, I get to the bulls which I am very proud. At the time Jerry Reinsdorf didn’t own the team. It was another organization Reinsdorf drafted me. Kevin Loughery was my first coach. Kevin used to take practice and put me in starting five. You know, he made a competitive thing where the losing team had to run. So now we are almost on the winning team, halfway on the game, halfway on the situation, he switched me to the losing team. So I took that as a competitive thing, but you were trying to test me and by nine times out of ten the second team would come back to win no matter what he did. So I appreciated Kevin to give me that challenge, providing that type of fire with me and he threw another log on that fire for me. Jerry Reinsdorf, I mean what else can I say. The next year when I came back I broke my foot; I was out of 65 games. And when I came back I wanna play. The doctor came with his old theory that you can play only seven minutes a game, but I am practicing two hours a day. I am saying, well, I don’t agree with that math. And back then, whoever has the worst record gets the most balls in Ping-Pang balls, you know you can decide what pick you can have, but I don’t care about that. I just wanted to win. I wanna made to playoffs. I wanna keep that energy going in Chicago. So I had to go into his office and sat down with him and say “Jerry, I actually think I should play more than 14 minutes and practice more than two hours. He said “We have to protect the long-term investment we’ve invested on you. I said “I really think I should be able to play.” He said “Let me ask you this, if you had a headache.” At that time, there was ten percent that I can hurt my ankle or my foot. He said “You had a headache and you got ten capsules, and one of them is coated with poison, would you take it?” I looked him and say “It depends on how bad is that headache. How bad is that headache” .Jerry looked me and say “You are OK, I guess you had a good answer, you can go back to play. You let me allow you to go back and play.” You know, Jerry provided a lot of difficult obstacles for me but at the same time the guy gave me a opportunity to perform at the highest level in terms of basketball. The bulls, the whole bulls organization, you know, they did great adjustments for me and all my teammates. Believe me I had a lot of teammates in all the 14 years I played for the bulls. I respect each one of them. I just want them to win. No matter how you looked at it. Doug Collins came the same time when I was trying to play at the summer time. He said “well, you are part of the organization and the organization said you can’t play at the summer time. I said “you read the things in my contract; in my contract I have the ‘love the game’ clause. That means I can play anytime I want, any place I want And Doug looked at me and said “you are right, you are right.” And that’s how we became a little closer. Jerry Krause is right there and Jerry is not here. Obviously I don’t know who’d invite him, I didn’t. But, I hope he understands it goes a long way. He is a very competitive person. I was a very competitive person. He said organizations win championships. I said “I didn’t see organizations playing with the flu in Utah. I didn’t see it playing with a bad ankle.” Granted, granted, I think organizations put together teams, but at the end of the day, team’s got to go out and play. I think the players win the championship, and the organization has something to do with it, don’t get me wrong. But don’t try to put the organization above players. Because player still got to go out of there and perform. You guys got to pay us, but I am still to out to play.

Obviously you’ve seen my kids Marcus and Jeffery. I love you guys. I think you guys represent a lot of me and a lot of different person as your mum, you represent them as well. You know, I think you guys have a heavy burden. I wouldn’t want to be you guys if I had to. You know, because all the expectations you have to deal with. I mean, look around you, they charge a thousand dollars ticket for this thing, for this holy event. It used to be 200 dollars, but I paid it. You know, I have no choice. I have a lot of families and a lot of friend I have to bring in. So thank all of you to raising ticket price. I love you guys, you guys have a host of people supporting you, family, friends, people that you don’t know, relatives coming our of the woodworks. You know, no matter how you look at it, but I think we taught you right. Your mum and I, hopefully you can make the right decisions when the time comes. My mum, what can I say about my mum, my mum never stays still. You think I am busy. She is always on the go. Without her, she is rough, she is unbelievable. Even right now, she takes over two jobs. She is unbelievable woman. As I experienced the failure each everyday, it is her. She classically keeps me focus on the good things about life. You know, how people perceive you, how you respect them, you know, what’s good for the kids, what’s good for you, you know, how you perceive public, take a second thoughts and pause to think about things you should do. These all came from my parents, you know, came from my mum. She is still like this these days, I am 46 years old, she is still parenting me today. That’s a good thing. I’ll love her to death. I’ll love her to death.

And I will thank a couple of people that you guys probably wouldn’t even think I will thank. Isaiah Thomas, Magic Johnson and George Gervin. They are the so-called freezing-out in my rookie season. I wouldn’t remember you guys gave me the motivation to say, you know what? Evidently I haven’t proved enough to these guys. I’ve got to prove these guys that I deserve what I got at this level. No matter what people have said, if it is rumor, I never took it is truth. But you guys never froze me up, because I was yet happy to be there no matter how you look at it. From that point forward, I wanted to prove to you, Magic, Larry, Gorge and everybody that I deserve to be on this level as much as anyone else. And hopefully over the whole period of career I have done that, without a doubt. Even in the Detroit, we’ve done that.

Pat Riley, you and I go way back. I still remember in Pat Riley, in Pat Riley. I was coming in there, got leaving; you decided to stay a couple of days. You were coming into my suite and told me to get out of my suite. You slid a note on the leak of my door, although you had to move, you didn’t move. You slid the note, saying” I enjoyed the competition, congratulation, but we will meet again. And I take the heart in that, because I think in all I can see you are competitive and even from a coach standing point. You challenge me every time I play the Nicks, the Heats, I don’t think you are with the Lakers, but every time I play against you, you have “Jordan Stoppers” on your team, you have John Starks who I love. You even had my friend Oakley says “We can’t go to the lunch, we can’t go to the dinner together, because this guy hit me harder than anybody else in the league. He was my best friend. Patrick Erving and I are the same age. We came up at the same time. But we can’t go to the lunch together. Why is this an issue? You think I play against Patrick any different than I play anybody else? No, no. They had your learned guy became the Nicks, coach after you, Jeff van gundy. He said I can’t be player fairly and I may dead on the basketball court. Where is it come from? I just happen to be a friendly guy. I get along with everybody, but at the same time when the light comes on, I am more competitive than anybody. So you guys, I must say thank you for giving me the motivation that I desperately needed.

Phil Jackson is, to me, is a professional Dean Smith. He challenged me mentally, not just physically. You know, he understood the game, along with Tex Wenter. They taught me a lot about the basketball game. Tex being the specialist, I can never please Tex. And I love Tex. Tex is not here. And I know he is here in spirit. I can remember a game coming after the basketball court; we were down five to ten points. And I go off about 25 points, we came back to win the game. As we walked out the floor and Tex looked me and said “you know, there is ‘I’ in ‘team’.” I said “there is not ‘I’ in ‘team’, but there is ‘I’ in ‘win’.” I think he got my message. I will do anything to win. You know, that means we play team format to win. That means I will do what I have to do. No matter how you look at it. Then you had all your media message “Scoring champion can’t win a NBA title”. You are not good as Magic Johnson, you are not good as Larry Bird. You are good, but you are not good as those guys. I have to listen to all this. And that put so much wood on that fire. It kept me each everyday trying to get better as a basketball player. I am not saying they were wrong. I may look at them from a different perspective. But at the same time as a basketball player, I am trying to become the best I can. You know, for someone like me who achieve a lot in this kind of career, you look for any kind of messages that people may say or do to get you motivated to play the game basketball to the highest level. Because that’s what I feel when I assail at my best.

And my last example and the last you guys probably have seen. I hate to do it to them. He is such a nice guy. When I first met Bryon Russell, John and Karl, I was in Chicago in 1994. I was working out for baseball and they all came down for workout and shooting around. I came over and say “Hello”, and at this time I had no thoughts of coming back and playing the game of basketball. Bryon Russell came over to me and said “why did you quit? why did you quit? You know I could guard you, if I ever see you in a pair of shorts”. Do you remember? John. When I did decide to come back in 1995 and we played Utah in 96, I’m at the center circle and Bryon Russell is standing next to me. I said “You remember the conversation you made in 1994 about ‘I think I can guard you, I can shut you down, I would love to play against you?’ Well, you are about to get your chance, and believe me ever since that day he got his chance, I don’t know how succeed he was. I think he got his chance. From this day forward, if he ever say me in shorts, I would come at him.

I know you guys got to go. I know I’ve been up here a lot longer than I told my friends I was gonna up here, I cried, I was supposed to get up , said “Thank you” and walked off and I am not able to do that. So I appreciate it. Thank you very much. I appreciate it. As I close, the game basketball has been everything to me, my refuge, a place I am always gone when I need to find comfort and peace. It’s been a source of intense pain and a source of most intense feelings of joy and satisfaction. The one that no one of you can imagine. It’s been a relationship of number of intersection. It gave me the great expects and love for the game. It provided me with a platform and shared my passions with millions in the way I neither expected nor could imagine in my career. I hope it’s given millions of people touch and optimism to achieve their goals through hard work, perspiration and positive attitude. Although I am recognized with this honor of being in the Hall of Fame, I don’t look this moment as final relationship between me and the basketball. It simply a continuation of something I started a long time ago. One day, you may look up a senior player at a game of 50.Oh, no. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Never say never, because limits, like fear, are often just an illusion.

Thank you very much!


NBA湖人队主教练,菲儿 杰克逊的年龄?

是不是湖人的教练,菲尔-杰克逊PhilJackson ,天天坐在场边看比赛的那个老头。
























